Crystal Ballroom
Where Anyone Can Learn To Dance
720 Marshall Rd Malaga, and Ellenbrook    (Find Us...) Phone (08) 9249 2600 or (08) 9249 6798
Learning to Dance

Do you sit back and watch while others have all the fun and dance the night away?

Learning to dance at Crystal Ballroom is easy, fun and a great way to meet new people and keep fit. If you want more fun in your life, there's nowhere better to be than on the dance floor!

If you're looking forward to any special occasion like a wedding, ball, or any function with a dance floor, we can make sure that you'll look good and enjoy yourself too!

Everyone is welcome at Crystal Ballroom, and we look forward to seeing you on our dance floor soon.


Learn To Dance
New Beginners Social Dance Class
7pm Wednesday 26th June

Learn: Cha Cha Cha, Slow Rhythm, Salsa, Waltz, Quickstep, Jive and more
Enrol Now

Wednesday Social Dance
7pm Instruction
8-9.30pm Social Dancing

Lessons by Appointment

Have A Go - It's Easy - It's Fun
8 lessons (Full Course) $115 per person
4 lessons (Short Course) $65 per person
Enrol Now
(includes free entry to Wednesday Social Dance from 8-9.30pm)

See Adult section for details
For more details call:
0423157147 or 0408315600

Dressing for Dancing


For Gentlemen we suggest you wear long trousers and shirt with a collar. No T-shirts or vests please. After all you want to dress to impress.

We suggest you wear light pliable shoes with a heel. Thongs are not permitted, and we recommend not wearing trainers.


Ladies please wear a dress, skirt or loose fitting trousers for your comfort.
For your safety please avoid slip on shoes and shoes with plastic soles. A pliable shoe or sandal with a heel is more comfortable to wear.


New Adult Beginners Class
All Classes now at Malaga

New Adult Intermediate Class
Tuesday 7pm Commencing Now in Malaga

Enrol Now. See Special Offers
Special offers valid with full course only